Sunday, February 26, 2006

Welcome to MoneyToSpare.Net

Why Another blog About Personal Finance?

There are a plenty of blogs about money out there. I know, because I’ve visited a lot of them. But with some exceptions, most financial advice blogs tell you how to invest your money. How to decide between stocks, bonds, and other saving instruments; how to handle your 401K or your KEOGH; how to structure your taxes to make your investments grow as quickly as possible-—and if you decide you’d rather not bother with any of the above, how to choose a competent financial advisor. (With a recommendation that you have at least $100,000 in your portfolio first.)

Uh-huh. What about the rest of us?

You know. Us. The millions of ordinary, hard-working citizens who are paycheck-to-paycheck people, who have little or nothing in the way of savings, who lie awake worrying about finding enough spare cash to make it through the month, who day by day watch our debts climb higher-—and our hopes for a better life slide lower.

What about us?

If you cringe every time you hear your car make a odd noise—because you don’t have any spare cash to fix it....

If you wish you’d never bought a house—because all you can think of is what’s going to break next, or how long it’ll be before your property taxes or insurance rates will increase... again....

If you’re trying to keep both your weight and your grocery bills low—and not succeeding...

If you vow every month to start saving, only to find yourself with nothing in either your checking account or wallet two days before payday....
If opening your credit card statements make you shudder-—and the fact that the balances never seem to shrink leaves you bewildered...

If, in short, you worry about money, dream about money, argue about money, yet never seem to get enough set aside to create a real net under the financial tightrope you’re walking...

Then you have a lot of company... a lot of company!...and this blog is intended for you.

We all go through life walking a financial tightrope. Those who have high income and low debt walk a tightrope close to the ground. With plenty of insurance and a nice chunk of money in savings,they also have the security of a wide, heavy-duty safety net beneath them.

But many of us walk a tightrope frighteningly high. We have moderate income and high debt. With a bare minimum of insurance and little or no money in the bank, our safety net is narrow and frayed. One strong gust of wind-—a job layoff, illness in the family, a car wreck-—and we can find ourselves crashing to the ground.

The number of families now struggling, homeless or bankrupt is sadly high. But you can increase your financial safety. You can lower that tightrope by learning how to save money. You can weave a stronger, wider safety net by learning how to save money. This blog will help show you how.

In the next few weeks, I'll be moving information to this blog from my MoneyToSpare.Net website. So essentially, this blog is under construction. But that doesn't mean that I don't want to hear from you. Please feel free to make comments, share your own tips, air your own pet gripes.

Meanwhile, I'll get to work with virtual hammer, nails and saw....and build us a blog!

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